• Building Your Personal Brand | Andrew Abel | AdvisioBuilding Your Personal Brand | Andrew Abel | Advisio

Today I want to talk with you about the importance of building your personal brand.

One of the most effective strategies that you can employ, whether you’re a solo practitioner, or you work at the big end of town, as a lawyer or as an accountant, is build your own personal brand. If you don’t build your own personal brand,?then your value, your reward, and ultimately your independence, it all belongs to someone else. Everything you get, you’re going to be dependent upon someone else to provide it.

Taking ownership and carriage of your own personal brand is important for a number of reasons.

Selling Advice Is Relational

Selling advice is a relational game. Of course there are many things you can do online to increase lead flow and to get more people looking at your solution, but ultimately, they want to engage with you. So if you have a brand that they can identify with, and you’re the brand, it puts you in a strong position to help them with a solution. It will also drive more prospective clients to you who are pre-sold, or at least further on the journey then they otherwise would be.

People Buy From People

People buy from people. They buy from people, one that they know, like and trust. They buy from people who’s message resonates with them. In other words they self-identify with the message you’re putting out. And they buy from people in whom they have confidence can solve their problem.

Your Personal Brand Is Your Asset

The third thing is this, and this is the best bit. Your personal brand follows you. It’s transferable. It goes wherever you go. And the best thing about that is you’re not dependent upon someone else. That increases your value. That increases your independence and it increases your reward. And they’re all good things.

You Can Do It

When discussing developing your own personal brand, it is important to note that I didn’t use the word can’t. Anyone can build their own personal brand. It is simply a matter of resolve, then action. In order to do so you just need to find your own flavour, your own style, a style you feel comfortable with.

If you’d like to know more about how you can build your own personal brand and chart your own course in your chosen field then let’s have 15 minutes together on the phone to discuss what’s involved. To schedule a time in my diary just follow this link.

Have further questions? Get in touch today!

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