• Child Support

    Make a claim for child support from the other parent

Under child support legislation in Australia the primary carer of the child/children can make a claim for child support from the other parent.

The Child Support Agency is responsible assessing the amount of child support payments to be made by the non-primary care giver, and administering ongoing child support arrangements. In determining the level of child support the agency will consider the income of each parent, the number of children and their living arrangements. If you are consider the Child Support Agency?s assessment of your child support obligations to be unfair one of King Cain?s expert family lawyers can help you initiate an independent review of the assessment.

As with parenting arrangements, it is possible for you and your former partner to enter into a private child support agreement without having to go through the Child Support Agency. If you would prefer to pursue that option talk with one of King Cain?s family lawyers who are experienced in putting together private child support agreements and can help you with negotiating and formalising the agreement with your former partner.

Get in touch with us and make a time to talk with one of our expert family lawyers.

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