• Enduring Guardian

    Who makes lifestyle and healthcare decisions for you if you cannot

Most of us focus on planning for what happens to our property and possessions after we die by putting in place a Will and appointing a Power of Attorney. But what happens to us whilst we are still alive if, for whatever reason, we are unable to make our own lifestyle and health care decisions due to illness or accident?

That?s where considering appointing an Enduring Guardian makes a lot of sense. An Enduring Guardian is someone you appoint to make lifestyle and health care decisions on your behalf when you are not capable of doing so yourself. Your Enduring Guardian may make decisions such as where you will live, what services you will receive at home and what medical treatment you receive.

An Enduring Guardian will only come into effect after you lose the capacity to make those decisions yourself. It may never come into effect, but it is a good idea to plan for situations where it would.

To discuss whether considering an Enduring Guardian is right for you get in touch with one of our Wills experts and we?ll guide you through the process.


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