• Advanced Healthcare Directives

    Who cares for you when you no longer can?

People typically think about Wills as something which applies only after their death. But an Advanced Healthcare Directive, or Living Will, is something which has effect whilst you are still alive and is a document that sets out your wishes in respect of your medical treatment.

The Advanced Healthcare Directive should provide a clear statement that sets out your directions, including your wishes and values, that need to be considered before medical decisions are made by others on your behalf.

An Advanced Healthcare Directive allows people over the age of 18 years to:

  • Document their wishes, preferences and instructions for future health care, end of life and living arrangements; and
  • Appoint one or more trusted decision makers to make decisions on their behalf, in respect of health care, when they are no longer able to.

To find out more about Advanced Healthcare Directives (or Living Wills) get in touch with us an speak with one of our Wills experts.

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